Friday, October 26, 2007

The B.D. method

This is how the B.D. Method Works (to work out how many 5's in numbers)
e.g. how many 5's in 78? 78 7 is highlighted red because you must double it (14) then because 5 is in 8 you add 1 more 5 (15)=15 r3
another e.g. 7863=1572 there is no 5s in 3 so don't add a 5 so you'll end up with 1572 r3
e.g. 3 76849=15368+1=15369 r4
You can even find out 10 digit numbers
7874294586=15748916+1=15748917 r1

And that's how you do The Draper Method
created by Brook


room4 said...

What fantastic maths thinking, Brook. I think you should go around the other classes in the school and share your strategy with them!!!

.:Brook:. said...

Mr. Kidd u stole my method

Lol i wrote it hahahahaha