Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Waipu's cross country winners!!!

Well done to the fantastic cross country teams.
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Cross country

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Abbie is a champion!!!! WoW

Waipu's 10 year old Abbie won the world Junior under 11 title at Malaysia's Milo all stars international age group championships in Kuala Lumpur. She played 6 rounds only dropping won 1 set. After only 1 days rest, she flew to Penang to play the Penang international junior championships, also winning the under 11 title. Abbie had heaps of support from other New Zealanders that also went, her friends and family and she thanks her Mum and Dad for taking her over to Malaysia.
Well Done Abbie!!
Room 4 are very proud of you

black friday

Last Friday was Friday the 13th. Waipu primary had a black friday and every body got to dress in black. This is what Room 4 looked like:

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